hidden europe 64

Preview hidden europe 65

by hidden europe


A preview of hidden europe 65 which will be published on 15 November 2021.

What do the villages of Barbizon (France), Newlyn (England) and Worpswede (Germany) have in common? Discover the answer in hidden europe 65 where we explore how artistic practice changed with the development of artists’ colonies in northern Europe. We’ll also report on a Viennese company which built everything from scooters to seaplanes, not to mention the world’s first hybrid car. If all goes well, we hope to go foraging in Maltese byways and take the pulse of village life in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Issue 65 will be published on 15 November 2021. Do remember that all back issues of hidden europe are still in print and can be purchased from our online shop, where you’ll also find signed copies of our book Europe by Rail: The Definitive Guide for sale.