hidden europe 67

Preview hidden europe 68

by hidden europe


A look ahead at hidden europe 68 which will be published on 10 November 2022.

Our travel plans have been so awry of late that it is sometimes hard for us to be very certain what will feature in upcoming issues of the magazine. But we are certainly hoping to carry a report from Cádiz, the port city in southern Spain, in issue 68 of the magazine. The pastoral landscapes of the Thiérache area of eastern France are also on our list. Moreover, we are gearing up for a feature on the rich range of alternative uses for former railway lines, where we’ll inquire what happens after the last train leaves. hidden europe 68 will be published on Thursday 10 November.

We haven’t been so good in managing our regular Letter from Europe these past months. So here’s a resolution for the second half of 2022. We’ll get our e-newsletter back on track. It brings you a dose of hidden europe between issues. You can sign up for it on our website.

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